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Our Weather Station
Did you know the Danish Windmill has its own weather station? Our station is reporting new information 24/7, and is particularly useful for tracking wind speed and direction. We rely on our weather station everyday for accurate wind and weather forecasts. The information is open to the public and you can view the full information panel here.

How We Use It
The windmill requires at least 4-5 mph (2 m/s) winds for the sails to spin on their own, and at least 12 mph (5 m/s) winds to grind efficiently. Given our location, wind direction is also important as we get stronger winds from the South and West, but are better exposed to the wind from the North and East. Knowing what direction the wind is coming from and at what speeds helps us determine when or how long the windmill can be run on any given day. If high winds are predicted and we have the time to spare, we might even grind. 

How You Can Use It
Our weather station is currently the only public station in Elk Horn with other stations several miles away. We encourage everyone and anyone to make use of it for the own needs whether it be for getting the local forecast or live updates of current conditions. It is also a published source on WeatherBug, WeatherUnderground, and some other affiliated weather-related sites. 

We're still learning about the station ourselves. It does not record snowfall, and can stop reporting if snow prevents the solar batteries from recharging. However, we have already found its forecasted wind predictions to be fairly accurate.  

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The Danish Mill Corporation (d/b/a Danish Windmill) is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization established in 1975. 

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